Saturday, October 31, 2009

Cando The VooDoo That You Do

I remember growing up in small town Oregon, during Halloween everyone was out in full force in costumes trick-or-treating. Expecting the small town tradition I picked up a 10 pound bag of assorted candy at Costco to give away to the kids.

In preparation to spookify my place up I went into town to buy a pumpkin to carve. The town was either all out of pumpkins or they don't exist in my area of North Dakota. After four stops and a tour around the town only to find plastic pumpkins it became obvious that pumpkins don't grow in North Dakota and/or they don't import them like other towns do.

The front porch light is on, the candles are lit in the window and a spooky import horror film is playing in the living room. The evening passed with only one group of children trick or treating, and they passed up my Cando home.

Either this town is against Halloween, they all went trick-or-treating to a bigger town or my house was just too spooky. Either case I have 10 pounds of candy that need eating.

Trick or treat?


  1. Happy to see a blog post again! I love reading your thoughts on our little town!

  2. what town in oregon are you from

  3. Sorry for the late reply -- Stayton
